Saturday, July 31, 2010
The Waiting Game
So the bad news: I officially won't be there for at least another month and a half. AT LEAST. Something to do with paperwork and command sponsorship stuff that my brain can't completely process. All I know is that I have to e-mail the paperwork for my medical screening to FT. Leonard Wood ask for a copy with a green stamp and then they send it to Germany? Something along those lines I don't know...however, I just discovered there is a part on the forms I have to send over that the Dr. forgot to sign. Awesome. I think that month and a half just moved up to two months. *sigh* This does leave me time to practice my bread baking skills though. Considering I think I killed my starter.
Anyways... onto other news I have decided to try something new. Something on the boundaries of my comfort zone. It is called vlogging. Video Blogging. Ashley of Writing to Reach You started up a little thing called VEDA (video everyday of August ). At first I thought NO WAY. I blog in order to hide behind words and a computer screen. I like being able to type, think, delete, and re-write in my pajamas with big hair and no makeup. But after thinking about it a little bit it started to sound kind of fun. This little event called VEDA has set topics to talk about so I don't have to think about things to say and I am participating in it with about 14 other I don't feel so alone in it. Video blogging does offer less of a filter than blogging though..people actually have to watch my ugly face and listen to my voice. I don't let just anyone do that, which is why I keep my mouth shut in public.
Anyways, I better get runnin!
Have a good Saturday and a great weekend!
Friday, July 30, 2010
To Buy or Not to Buy
I am seriously considering getting the book The Bread Baker's Apprentice because I have heard many many good things about it. I want to ask Eric first but I have no way of getting a hold of him. So the question is do I wait to ask him..or should I just go get it? Ah I want it!
Anyways...I may come back and edit this blog later and add more than just me wanting to buy a book but I am getting antsy and need to run. Soo TGIF!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
First things first, I found out via Facebook that my husband is now safe and sound in Germany, so this is good news. Kind of weird to only find out through Facebook like everyone else. Wife or not there is no special treatment here. I am going to assume it was his only means of communication. That is what I am telling myself for now at least.
Onto other subjects...
I decided to take my "Gorilla Shoes" for a run yesterday. At first I tried to hide in the fields but I quickly began to feel like a cavewoman and headed out in to society. I got a few strange looks, but I get a few strange looks everyday all in all, no big deal. Here's my feet on the trail...
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I love my Gorilla Shoes |
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Sourdough Starter |
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Beautifully Bubbly Top View |
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Barefoot Baking
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
3 Years
It is weird to think that this is his last day in California for 3 will soon be my last day in California too. It is such a strange feeling.
3 WHOLE years.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Breaking Bread
Speaking of is Meatless Monday. Everyone keeps saying how hard it will be for me being a vegetarian in Germany however, our views of German food are a bit skewed. German food..yes, I am sure Sausage and beer come to mind but believe it or not German food has changed and modernized a bit. "Chefs trained in Switzerland, France, or Italy return to Germany to open Continental restaurants, and Italians and Turks, many of whom originally came to Germany as "guest workers," own restaurants featuring their own culinary traditions."
Believe it or not there are fresh fruits and veggies in Germany just as there is here. It might be hard at times but it is hard here sometimes too! I am trying not to generalize German food to only sausage and beer...I wouldn't want people to generalize American food as burgers and fries..because obviously we have a bit more than that here.
The best part about German food is the fact that they love bread as much as I do.
"Bread is a big part of the German diet, and usually eaten for breakfast and as sandwiches in the evening, rarely as a side dish for the main meal. The importance of bread (Brot) in German cuisine is also illustrated by words such as Abendbrot (supper, literally Evening Bread) andBrotzeit (snack, literally Bread Time). In fact, one of the major complaints of German expatriates in many parts of the world is their inability to find acceptable local breads. German bakeries produce about 6,000 types of breads and approximately 1,200 different types of pastry.
Bread is served with almost every (non-main)-meal. Bread is not considered a side dish and is considered important for a healthy diet.
Germany's most popular breads are:
- Rye-wheat ("Roggenmischbrot")
- Toast bread ("Toastbrot")
- Whole-grain ("Vollkornbrot")
- Wheat-rye ("Weizenmischbrot")
- White bread ("Weißbrot")
- Multi-grain ("Mehrkornbrot")
- Rye ("Roggenbrot")
- Sunflower seed ("Sonnenblumenkernbrot")
- Pumpkin seed ("Kürbiskernbrot")
- Onion bread ("Zwiebelbrot")
There are hundreds of different dishes and beverages many of which are typical only to some German regions. You are not likely to find many of these dishes in any other country than Germany.
I love bread baking...possibly even more than cooking. So this is a cuisine that I can find home in.
So in this month or so that I am left here waiting to leave, my goal will be to give all 10 of these breads a go. I might fail miserably but it will be fun regardless. Looks like Rye-Wheat is first on the list.
Wish me luck.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Got The Itch
Well since I can't find my Vibram Five Finger shoes anywhere..perhaps my 100 dollar bet would be better spent on new art supplies. It's something to think about at least. I am just afraid to turn into a deer in the headlights when I stare at a white canvas again. Really hoping that doesn't happen though.
We shall see I suppose.
Wish me luck, and happy Sunday!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Search
Friday, July 23, 2010
Rant or Run
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Little Help?
Option #1 order online and pray I order the right size.
Option #2 Go for this instead...
The Book |
It even has a study guide...
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The Study Guide |
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Barefoot and...Running
I am trying not to think about it... how do you shut out negative thoughts?
For now I am trying to focus on a lil something more fun like...
Yesterday as I was enjoying a Veggie Burger at Mel's Diner A.K.A a Gardenburger Patty on Mel's "whole wheat bun"Eric asked me how it was. I replied, "Good, I can now get the same burger at Mimi's, Awful Annies, and Mels." - which sounds like a negative thing but if you knew how much I love the Gardenburger brand original patty you would know that this is a dream come true.
Eric- "Burger King too right?"
Me: Nope, Burger King has the Morning Star brand veggie burgers
Eric- I thought it was Gardenburger
Me: Nope, Morningstar. Trust me I know my veggie burgers.
Eric: I could of sworn I saw Gardenburger.
Me: Nope I will bet you $100 dollars that it is Morningstar.
Eric: Okay fine $100 Dollars.
Me: You will actually bet me $100 dollars that I can spend on anything I want?
Eric: Yep.
Me: I just won $100 dollars. Score.
We quickly pulled out our cell phones like we were in an old western draw, hitting the google search app at lightening speed. We both searched Burger King's Veggie Patty's and waited about 10 minutes for everything to load. When I heard a distinct "CRAP" come from Eric's mouth I knew that I had won. I was happier than a contestant on minute to win it.
SO.. what to do with that $100? Well there is a little something I have always wanted but never wanted to spend nearly a $100 on...take a look at these beauties.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sugar Please
Monday, July 19, 2010
On a Brighter Note
So in my quest to be a bit more joyful and look on the brighter side of things I should let you know that I saw Despicable Me yesterday and it was fabulous. This movie brought me much joy and happiness. There are many things that brought happiness into my life yesterday, and there are some joyous occasions today that I have to look forward to.
Some bright notes of yesterday
- Quiznos veggie sandwhich - sorry Subway, Quiznos veggie sandwhich kicks your veggie delights ass.
- New running shoes at the McKlellin airforce base for $85 dollars straight up no tax. (they are usually $100 not including tax )
- Despicable Me- Super cute movie. There is no way you can leave this movie in a bad mood.
- Chevys! There is not much better than Chevys for dinner. Their Chips and salsa are hands down the best chips and salsa in...northern CA at least. Every time we eat there I inspect the salsa ever so carefully trying to see what they put in it- in hopes to re-create it at home. Still no luck.
- Playing the newest Mario game with Eric. In Eric's terms "it is everything you always wished Mario could be". So true, and I love it. It brings back the memories of those good old Nintendo games. Minus having to blow them first.
- My new chef's knife should be arriving. I know it doesn't look like much but it is an award winning knife by Cook's Illustrated.
- And last but not least...It's Meatless Monday!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Ball Kicking
I know, blog reading is not the most exciting and I can't ever see myself in an argument using the phrase "you don't even read my blog" because that sounds ridiculous but I won't lie, it would be nice if he at least acted remotely interested in my half of his life and took a few minutes to see what was on my mind that day.
Most of the time my blogs are hardly interesting so I don't blame him, but then there are days where I think it would be nice if he read this blog, or I wonder what he thought of my last blog. I mean, it is mostly for his benefit to read my blog because then maybe he would realize that his deodorant is under the bed, that there is more going on in his wife's head, or that I am virtually kicking him in the balls right now.
Your probably wondering "well why don't you just ask him to read your blog?" Well, I have...and he may have a few times, but asking him to read my blog everyday is like asking people to follow you just so you can have a higher number of followers whether they are interested in your blog or not. I will not be a follower whore.
I realize this blog is a bit harsh, but I feel like being harsh today. I don't know why, I just do. I think this is step one of gaining confidence. Speak your mind, be yourself right? Easy to say behind a computer screen but hey, it's a step.
Happy Sunday
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Confidence...whats that?
Is there some kind of secret to obtaining confidence that I don't know about?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Cracker Gnawing
If you are watching this video right now..waiting for something exciting to happen..well don't get your hopes up because this is it...however, I couldn't help myself from laughing at this morbidly obese rodent eating a graham cracker. I am pretty sure he ate the whole box right before shooting this video.
You might not have laughed, maybe you chuckled a little, or maybe you are under the influence of some sort of substance and found this freakin hilarious....all I know is that graham crackers sound really darn good right now or maybe some smores. (sp?) but vegetarian marsh mellows are hard to find. Yep marsh mellows are not vegetarian. Bet you didn't know that... They contain a little product called gelatin which comes from the bones of animals like the
Anyways, I have some homemade pizza to get started on, but I hope you all have an awesome Friday!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Oh Dear
I used to draw all the time, which led to a brief stint into painting...but then suddenly those blank canvases turned into my worst nightmare. I didn't want make a mistake. Canvases are expensive and I would hate to throw away money on a jacked up painting, not only that but I hate producing anything that looks like crap. Even if I am the only one that sees it...I still hate it.
This is what my artistic ability has succumb to these days...
I know, don't be jealous. Maybe someday I will get back in touch with my inner artist, but until then I will leave you with this...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Today was one of those days where I did a lot of nothing. Well I suppose I did some stuff but nothing of huge was the.the usual run, go to the store, baked a wheat baquette, attempted to make Gnocci which wasn't a complete failure...I think I need more practice but I wouldn't serve it. Then made a dinner that was completely different than what I was originally planning...mexican flavors and french baguett's actually go together quite well.
I don't know why I am giving you the boring run down of my day. There are much more exciting things going on in the world. Like Mel Gibson's crazy ranting tendencies, or Lindsey Lohan's trendy nail polish that she may, or may not of applied herself.
Hmm I think I will go watch The Passion of The Christ followed by The Parent Trap.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Bloggin in the P.M.
So.. in other news I got my military passport junk taken care of today. I felt like a 12 year old turning in some sort of long drawn out report that I had put together last minute. Only took me 3 tries but finally they accepted my papers and are sending it off for its 6-8 week clearance process. ( there was a minor picture problem that I am praying won't hold anything up. Cross your fingers, knock on wood, rub your rabbits foot and say a prayer ).
I made a huge mistake yesterday as well. I signed up to receive more info about the University of Phoenix since I am going to be in Germany for 3 years with nothing to do...and because you get spousal benefits I figured I would look into more schooling. Well apparently requesting more information also means "we are going to annoy the hell out of you and call you three times per hour until you pick up your phone". Yea..never give out your phone number to online schools. See they have taught me something already.
Wow, it is strange writing a blog at 3:00pm. Especially with Dr. Oz playing in the background. It is crazy how famous talking about poop, farts, vagina's, penis's, and fat can make someone. It never gets old. We will always fart. and one out of the two of us has a vagina...I could be fat, or you could be...I just drowned a little sorrow in some what do you have to say about that Dr. Oz?
In case you haven't noticed I am nearly delusional due to lack of sleep...I think I might go try and do a little more of that.
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, Monday...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Runners Secrets
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
My Friend Gus
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The To Do
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
A Work In Progress
So stay tuned..
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I Can't Think
Monday, July 5, 2010
What To Do
Now that Eric and I know we are going to Germany I find that people are starting to ask me a common question. "So what are you going to do in Germany?" Well, I am not really sure. There are things that I want to do, but I question whether the things I want to do are really possible. People are telling me I could go to school, which is true.. but it would have to be for a degree that I am really interested in...which right now the only degree I would want to be chasing is one in Culinary Arts. I don't think I will be able to attend a culinary school in Germany though. ( Unless you know something I don't ).
So here is a list of possibilities in no particular order
1. Be a personal trainer for the Army Wives
2. Try and become a self taught chef
3. Teach vegetarian cooking classes
4. Become an elite marathon runner ( ok so this is more of a dream but I would have the time to train like one lol )
5. Go to school if there is a degree I am interested in...or culinary school but that is probably a dream as well.
6. Work at Walmart <--this particular one I would prefer not to do. And yes, they have Walmart in Germany.
I can't really think of anything else at the moment. So what do you think? What should I do in Germany?
Sunday, July 4, 2010
It's The 4TH
Um, I don't really have much going on in my brain but my husband is in the Army...yea.
Did you know he is in the Army?
I almost forgot. Wait no I didn't.
So what are your plans for the 4th? Doing anything fun?
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Almost Forgot..
Happy Saturday!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Almost Home!
It is strange to think that I get to see Eric TONIGHT. Not too much longer and I will be picking him up from the airport! So until then, my brain is pretty much occupied with anticipation.
I am however especially excited that my taco recipe finally got posted on vegweb check it out if you are in the mood for some veggie tacos.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Speedy Oatmeal
I couldn’t sit still this morning long enough to blog…it was like someone slipped a little speed into my oatmeal. I woke up at about 3:00am…but knew that even 3:00am is even too early for me. Finally I gave in at at about 3:45 and made my way to the is a little preview of my morning.
Make Oatmeal
Eat Oatmeal while watching top chef
Go Girl and e-mail and etc.
Blog attempt…nope mind is too busy will try later.
Watched cooking videos on knife honing and knife skills.
Honed two knives
busted out cutting board and chopped up 5 stalks of celery using the “rolling technique”.
Put away cutting knives, cutting board, and celery.
Picked up computer for blog attempt #2. Nope got nothing.
Got dressed, ran, and here I am.
My mind is on fast forward. Perhaps it has something to do with Eric coming home tomorrow. Is it weird to say that I am nervous? I mean of course I am excited..but I have a nervousness as well.