Did you watch it? All of it? I hope you did...and let me start off by saying...that I am really proud of The Doctors on this one for standing their ground...more specifically Dr. Lisa. Jillian kind of got cut off at the end but she is right on track with the grass-fed beef and etc. the look on her face throughout the video kind of lets you know exactly what her opinion is. So here is where my rant begins.
First off..I am sick and tired of diets that are not Vegan being considered as "lacking in nutrients" and vegetables. There are two sides of the spectrum. There are your unhealthy muffin-loving, cake-baking vegans that are addicted to sugar and chex mix, and then there are your vegans that really do eat whole foods and and are truly following a plant based diet. The same goes for a "meat based" ( I don't even like that term. ) diet. There are those who follow the standard American diet filled with processed foods, fast food...you name it--they eat it. Then, there is the "meat based " diets that I would like to rename balanced plant based diets. I think I eat more vegetables than most vegans yet I still eat grass-fed beef, organic free-range chicken, fish, and eggs. Just because you are vegan doesn't mean you are healthy, and it is more than just the Vegan Vs. Meat Eaters debate that we need to look at.. in reality, the people who are the healthiest are those who stick to eating REAL FOOD. Food that is closest to it's original form.
I had an experience closest to Jillians story. She tried to go vegan but she felt terrible..if you would like to read my story please go here.
Dr. Wendy also talked about her experience with becoming anemic on a
vegetarian diet. And Dr. Barnard follows up by saying that the milk in
her vegetarian diet is the cause of her anemia...however, he is talking
about conventional dairy and gives absolutely no mention of raw organic
dairy from grass-fed cows.
second part about this segment I would like to address is that this
doctor pulls out a BMI chart study to prove that Veganism is
"healthier." If you are even remotely involved in the health and fitness
world you will already know that the BMI chart is very unreliable. Here
is why: BMI takes in account your height to weight ratio. However, lets
say you are a body builder. If you calculate your height to weight
ratio using the lovely BMI chart you will most likely be put in the
overweight category because you are carrying around extra weight..but
that weight is coming in the form of muscle, not fat. The BMI chart does
not take this into account. This doctors chart shows that Vegans are
most likely to fit into the healthy weight category. BUT in my opinion
that is because many vegans are lacking muscle. It seems that this
doctor has never heard of the term "skinny fat" and relates health to
"thinness". Thin, does not mean healthy Dr. Barnard. Vegans could very
well be on the lighter side if they don't exercise and don't carry
around much muscle.Then he pulls out the diabetes chart. So here is the
chart that proves everything...but not exactly. Vegans are least likely
to be diabetic, however, they are more likely to be younger...then count
in the vegans that actually follow a true plant based diet and you have
yourself proof that a vegan diet is the only way to beat diabetes.
Instead of making a comparison between variations of the standard
American diet and plant based vegan diet, how about we get a chart
comparing followers of a Paleo diet, WAPF diet, Medditeranian diet, the
standard American diet, and the junk food vegan diet ( Mmmm boca burgers
and vegan french fries ). It makes me want to scream because of the way
that these studies are presented on a chart and how it skews
information to the public. I want to stress so badly the importance of
people not just jumping into a vegan diet without doing their research.
And as for dietary recommendations..the first foods out of this doctors
mouth is brown rice and spaghetti. Brown rice and spaghetti have next to
no nutrients. Good call Doc.
Jillian's comment about going vegan and then feeling terrible. Have you
noticed Jillian's physique? She is very muscular, lean, and fit. She
needs more protein than your average Joe that might get in a 30 minute
walk on their lunch hour. So perhaps, veganism is not well suited for
people who strength train or have a mesomorph body type.
of the biggest arguments about the Vegan diet is that not getting
enough protein is a "myth." Yes, this might very well be a myth but the
real myth is that all the protein that you are eating is getting
absorbed. Truth is, on paper it might show that your diet consists of
enough grams of protein but it might not be getting completely absorbed
by the body. Your body has to do a lot more work when your protein is
all plant based compared to eating complete proteins from foods such as
chicken, or fish.
think I am done ranting for now... but please. I beg you. If you are
thinking about going vegan..especially for health reasons, I would
explore other options. To all the Vegans that might read this...I still love you.