Sunday, October 31, 2010

At Peace

Another day in Germany, and I hate to think that these surroundings will soon become familiar, but they are anything but ordinary. I love seeing new sights, and new surroundings. I learn something new everyday. Whether it is how to get back into the base using this thing called "the box" ( this thing still terrifies me because there is the potential to get stuck in it )., or a new word in German. Just being able to observe the German culture is so captivating to me. While out on my run I see elderly people riding their bikes for transportation and leisure. In America, people their age would be parked in front of the TV, maybe not by choice but in our culture if we see 70-80 year olds riding bikes we would automatically worry about them falling and breaking a hip. Over is just the norm. I love the look on their faces when they ride their bikes in the woods...they know how to enjoy life here, and I think it is rubbing off on me. I haven't been this free of anxiety in a long time. It is freeing, and I feel so at peace.

Happy Monday, make it meatless!

P.S. Going grocery shopping today, I am done neglecting my food blog! I should have a new post up by Wednesday at the latest.


  1. So glad to see you are doing well :) Yay for learning new things! It's wonderful that you are learning to let go and enjoy life. If only we could learn to do that here.

  2. Yeah! You are slowly getting into Germany! I want you to make your first German friend though. Maybe me, laura, your brother, your parents, and with some donatios from your blog viewers we could get you the Rosetta Stone German set for xmas!

  3. I am glad you are getting soaked in German life and seeing how differently they go through life. Very glad to hear you anxiety level has dropped and you are relaxing!

  4. I'm glad you're doing well there! You've taken some lovely pictures, and I can't wait for a food blog post! :D
