Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thankful Tuesday

Tuesdays are great. It is no longer Monday, and it is almost Wednesday…which means that you are half way to Friday and then before you know it, it’s the weekend! Unfortunately the cycle repeats itself and you once again have to experience Monday, or in my case a meatless and commentless Monday. Nothing kills blog comments better than Meatless Mondays. They might be animal cruelty free but they are cruel to my self esteem. There is no blog love here on Mondays.

On another note, I received some sort of love yesterday. I got two letters from Eric. Yea, that’s right TWO! I love getting letters from him, it is almost hard to keep up with writing him back now, but I love it :) It just sucks that they take so long to get there. I keep wanting to text him something and then remember I can only write it in a letter that will take at least 4 days to get there. So this is what life was like before cell phones…

I am still feeling anxious about his graduation. I think it will end up being on May 13 or May 14. Either way those days fall on my Finals for my Thursday and Friday class. Trying to figure out how to go to his graduation and juggle my finals is only one of the hurdles. The lowest price for one round trip ticket to MO is $515. If you want a hotel the lowest is around $572. Then to rent a car..well who knows. I hope I can figure something out.

Anyways..back to why Tuesdays are so awesome. I get to go to my cooking class, I get to cook dinner, and the biggest loser is on tonight and I get to completely ramble on in my blog with absolutely no direction.

Now what to make for dinner…

How was everyone’s weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Happy Tuesday! I hope cooking class is amazing. and YES THE BIGGEST LOSER! I don't know how I lived before that show haha.

    I loved the weekend. I relaxed and spent time with friends. How was yours?
