Friday, May 18, 2012

One Year Later

It has been a year since I returned home from Germany. It's been a crazy one, but I survived...and when I say survived, I mean that I am no longer living life just going through the motions. I can feel again. I guess you could say I was numb... numb to both good, and bad feelings. That being said, everything I feel isn't always a good feeling but I will take it over feeling nothing at all. It is kind of like a deep tissue massage. It might be painful at the time but it is necessary to get the knots out. 

Looking back over the past year I see that I have come a long way. It may not seem like it from an outsiders perspective... I am still going to school and living with my parents but the progress is on the inside. I have really grown personally in a way that I never thought possible. I am starting to think less, step out of my comfort zone a little more everyday, and I am seeing that the world is not such a scary place after all. Fear has been the ultimate ruler of my life for a long time, but I am finally figuring out how to fight back. The battle against fear is not over, nor will it be anytime soon, but I refuse to ever let it completely take over my life again. Cheers to another year!


  1. It's been a year already ? Wow :o

    I'm glad you're doing better. You're a strong person and I'm sure you'll do great in everything you set your
    mind to

  2. Glad to hear this year has been good for you. I know that next year will be even greater. You can do it!!

  3. You're a real trooper, Amber! Are you coming to the blogger brunch on June, 3?
